I’m the author of By Aecer’s Light, The Clockwinders for Fate, Cortex’s Prime Supers, and a contributing author on Pathfinder’s Mwangi Expanse, Trophy Gold, Hit the Streets, Defend the Block and the upcoming Lifted: Indomitable RPG. A Supers game about everyday folks with extraordinary powers in a tech-aggressive world.

I’m the host of the Diceology podcast and a streamer with the crew on Twitch/ActualPlay.

I love games and stories about outsiders and underdogs overcoming challenges. I do game with my kids —I’m still working on my mom.

I hope to enable great play experiences and design good games for others.

Play Fearlessly!

Editor of Playing Fearless
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MadJay Zero

MadJay Zero

Freelance game designer, professional gamemaster, and host of the Diceology podcast. I throw dice at the world. https://playfearless.substack.com/