Last week in Gaming w/MadJay Zero

Trophy Gold, Glorantha, Masks, and janky AF schedules.

MadJay Zero
2 min readSep 4, 2022
Photo by Dari lli on Unsplash

The last couple of weeks have been a lot of fits and starts for some of my games. I’ve been playing Trophy gold with Judd on some Friday mornings. I hope to get back on track once we’re back in the school groove here at home. Also in fits and starts is Glorantha using Mythras. My friend Dave has been running, teaching, and lecturing these sessions on Tuesday evenings. We’re three sessions in and have made our way to Pavis and the big rubble. We have been ambushed by rock lizards, rebuffed by the cowardly soldiers from the Real city, and we’ve defeated the likes of the Scorpion men in the caves underneath a section of the big rubble. I’ve also been playing Masks on some Sundays. I’m playing a character named Ring, using the doomed playbook. He’s hiding in a simulacrum of reality from hostile council members from his world.

Twilight 2000 Saturday mornings are still hot! We’ve got a strong grasp of the sandbox procedures and game rules. I need to incorporate the player’s big dreams and moral codes more.

I’ve tweeted about my kid running D&D 5E for his friends and his anxiety about running games like “Dad does it.” He’s been watching the games, I’ve run online, we’ve gone to conventions, pre-pandemic, and recently here locally. I said: No, man, all you have to do with your friends is just have fun, Whatever that looks like. If that means you guys sit around, talk about the world and make characters for three or four sessions. And that’s fun. Do that.

“All you have to do with your friends is just have fun.”

In our Sunday, Actual Play stream, I’m running A|State, and we’ve got three sessions in the troublemakers have broken a piece between warring factions, they ferreted out an agent provocateur, and they’re still uncovering secrets. Our every other Sunday game will begin playing Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes with Michael Addison from Nerdy Pup Games.

The Gauntlet community open gaming is at the end of September. I believe you can still submit games but certainly come on out. It’s free. Come on out and play some games with us. I’ll at least be running Twilight 2000. Not sure what else yet!

Play Fearless!



MadJay Zero

Freelance game designer, professional gamemaster, and host of the Diceology podcast. I throw dice at the world.