White Whales

MadJay Zero
3 min readMay 28, 2022

Rpgs I’d like to play in 2022

My friend, Paul Mitchener, has thrown down the Nobilis challenge again! Before the pandemic, IIRC, we had a “Run Nobilis by year’s end” challenge and then IRL happened.

Nobilis is a BIG concept RPG by Jenna K. Moran. You play these Noble Powers like Time, Love, War, or Shoes even. The game has a diceless mechanic for resolving tasks, more on the resource managing side of games. Most of the hurdle is What do we do with it? Re-reading Nobilis, again, for me is about knocking off the cobwebs, and coming up with a nice tight premise for a 4–6 session game. A nice size bite, I don’t need it all…yet.

Ars Magica is still on my list. I had a small run of it about a year ago, like an appetizer. It was set on The Contested Isles: Mythic Hibernia, which really grabbed me for the conflicts it came baked with. I took a deliberately slow approach to our initial sessions. In the first session, everyone made at least one grog and we played with those. Companions were then introduced and we played with both grogs and companions. By the third session, we got a look at the wizards in the covenant. I would do it this way again with a new or rusty group — and prolly Mythic Hiberina again.

Fading Suns. I feel like this is my EPIC Sci-fi game, but I just can’t seem to get it to the table. It’s had three editions? Maybe four now? It’s got medieval space vibes, noble houses, and darkness of worlds in collapse. Space Opera for sure. It uses a D20 roll-under mechanic. There is a wealth of support material…if I could just find some interested players!

Skyrealms of Jorune is falling into my lost games bucket. The system as written is… antiquated. The setting of Jorune is fantastic. I “played” it as a kid but who knows what we were doing outside of having fun with it. I tried to license it some years back…but that’s another post!

Still no Elves!

What games are on your White Whale list for 2022 to run?



MadJay Zero

Freelance game designer, professional gamemaster, and host of the Diceology podcast. I throw dice at the world. https://playfearless.substack.com/